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Bad Writing

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Bad Writing


Aren't your friend
Photo by quinn.anya

Crayola syndrome

Where more is better
Photo by John-Morgan


When old isn't new
Photo by englishsnow

Default to shorter words

Sad rather than melancholy

Avoid repetition

Use pronouns, sentence restructure rather than the same word/sentence
Photo by mortimer?


  • Precise rather than vague
  • Graceful, not awkward
  • Not ambiguous, but clear
  • Fresh is better than clichéd
Photo by Chris Nuzzaco

quotation marks

for dialogue and not irony
Photo by ginnerobot

Exclamation points

for irony or playfulness
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Overused words

  • unique
  • literally - often used incorrectly
  • myself
  • particular
  • personally
Photo by Dis da fi we

E.B. White Writing


  • mindful writing
  • plurals and apostrophes
  • ending in "s" and possessive?
  • singular or proper name ... add "s"
  • plural ending in "s" ... don't add

and of course contractions

  • you're = you are, it's = it is
  • possessive = its


  • evolution - base ball, base-ball, baseball
  • after prefixes ... un, self, ex, non, re
  • when? dictionary
Photo by urbanmkr


  • colon substitute
  • in place of parentheses
Photo by ecstaticist


  • Dependent phrase
  • Dependent clause with conjunction.
  • independent clause with conjunction
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Use an active voice
The dog licked the kid.

Avoid passive voice
The kid was licked by the dog.

Photo by Akshay Madan

If you can insert “by zombies” after the verb and it makes sense, it’s passive voice.

Photo by Darkness