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Ban Smoking in public

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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BAn Smoking in public

Taylor Minch
Photo by zilverbat.

When you’re in public, do you ever think something is going to kill me today? Well those folks smoking a cigarette may be the killer you aren’t looking for. Thousands of people die from secondhand-smoke a year, being one of the deadliest causes of death, which can be avoided and overall cured.


“Separate smoking sections don’t get it: only smoke-free buildings and public places truly protect non-smokers from the hazards of breathing in people’s tobacco smoke.”


  • Acetaldehyde
 and irritates mucous membranes
  • Acetic Acid- vinegar
  • Acrolein-toxic acid
  • Ammonia-household cleaning product
  • Arsenic- poisin

Ingredients con't

  • benzene- from coal tar and in motor fuel
  • butane- cigarette lighter fluid
  • cadmium- used in paint
  • carbon disulfide- car exhaust in a closed garage
  • carbon monoxide- car exhaust fumes

Ingredients con't

  • Formaldehyde- embalming fluid
  • Hydrogen Cyanide- gas chamber poison
  • Lead- a poison that causes brain damage 
  • Methane- swamp gas
  • Methanol- rocket fuel

ingredients con't

  • Naphthalene- mothballs
  • Nicotine- insecticide/addictive drug
  • Nitrobenzene- gasoline additive
  • Nitrous Oxide Phenols- disinfectant
  • Toluene- industrial solvent

Ingredients con't

  • Vinyl Chloride- makes PVC


Photo by christnagel

“Asthma attacks are perhaps the most well-known health effect of secondhand smoke exposure among children. Secondhand smoke exposure increases the frequency of episodes and the severity of symptoms in asthmatic children. The EPA estimates that 200,000 to 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by exposure to secondhand smoke.”

“Secondhand smoke exposure impairs a child's ability to learn. It is neurotoxic even at extremely low levels. More than 21.9 million children are estimated to be at risk of reading deficits because of secondhand smoke. Higher levels of exposure to secondhand smoke are also associated with greater deficits in math and visuospatial reasoning.”


Photo by hegarty_david

City parks, public beaches, college campuses, and other outdoor venues across the country are putting up signs telling smokers they can't light up. Outdoor smoking bans have nearly doubled in the last five years, with the tally now at nearly 2,600 and more are in the works.

Photo by spyjournal

Counter Argument

Photo by SWoo

"Another study of 50 smokers who wanted to reduce the health risks associated with smoking, but not quit completely, concluded that the Eclipse brand of e-cigarettes dramatically decreased the consumption of cigarettes without causing withdrawal symptoms. In addition, when participants smoked Eclipse, the nicotine concentrations in their blood remained fairly stable and their desire to quit altogether remained intact."
( Deborah Leader).

Photo by lindsay-fox

How could anyone agree?

"CAI also accuses the industry of glamorizing cigarettes. E-cigarettes, it says, are being marketed using the same messages that tobacco companies used to sell conventional cigarettes in the 1950s and 1960s." (Jacobs & Robinson).

Photo by kakeyzz----

Now that you know all the ways a single cigarette can kill you, maybe you'll think differently about standing in the smoking zone or speaking up when someone smokes near you or your children.