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Photo by Tadeu Jnr


Photo by CharlesFred

A banana is an edible fruit-and berry produced by several kinds of plants and trees.

Photo by Abigail Lynn

Bananas and other tropical fruits are grown in tropical areas like Latin(South) America. They are grown there because of the year round tropical climate.

Photo by Peter Hershey

There are almost 1,000 varieties of bananas, the most eaten kind is Cavendish.

Photo by perriscope

Why are bananas so important?

Photo by whologwhy

The banana is the worlds largest herb.

Photo by jakobnewman

The inside of bananas peels are great for polishing shoes.

Photo by freddie boy

South America has three of the top five banana producers

Photo by SEDACMaps

Bananas are good for you skin and eyes because of the vitamin A it has in it.

Banana contain serotonin which helps with depression. (So if your sad eat a banana).

Photo by frankieleon

Bananas are the fourth most important food based off of gross value of production.

Photo by Lotte Löhr

Banana with black/ brown spots boost your immune system and make your white blood cells stronger for fighting infection.

Photo by KCIvey


There is a new disease going around in the Indies (inside the bananas). This could be be getting closer to Latin America which is bad. This would be bad because Latin America produces a lot of the worlds bananas.

Photo by Alice Young

This disease is called Tropical Race.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop

Tropical Race is a type of fungal disease that was originated off of another disease called the Panama disease

Photo by chriskompst

this disease is spreading like a wildfire

The bananas infected with a tropical race disease that are eaten can give you bad health problems and sickness

If the disease gets into the a farmers banana crop there is a good chance that most of all the other bananas have the disease.

Photo by 3S96