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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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  • Gravity puts pressure onthe ball in the air
  • Gravity makes The Ball Come Down When In The Air
  • Gravity makes players come down from a dunk


  • For every action there is a opposite reaction
  • This is refering to bouncing the ball/dribbling

Newton's first law applies when basketball players are running in one direction they tend to stay in that direction. Basketball will just keep going unless unless force acts upon it

Photo by Keith Allison

Newton's second law. Basketball is a constant weight and mass. If a player throws the ball with more force the faster the ball will accelerate or the farther it will tavel. Michael Jordan is great fortis because he is a great ball handler and throws the ball very hard and very quick.

Newtons finale law. Whatever the ball bounces off of that thing bounces off that bouncing it back. This applies to the basketball court, when the basketball pushes against it, the floor pushes it back causing the ball to bounce. Kobe Bryant is good at this because he dribble drives a lot

Photo by swooshkidjm