Intervention Method to Increase Behavior in BCP
Terena Hartsfield
November 1, 2015
Objective: When going to bed at night (condition), Kameryn (learner) will take his shoes to him room and put them in his closet (target behavior) 18 out of 21 days (criterion).
Before the introduction of the intervention, Kameryn did not complete any of the target behaviors. He completed 1 out of 3 tasks on day 3 and 4, and then reverted back to zero on day 5.
I used secondary reinforcement to assist Kameryn in achieving his objective. He was on an intermittent schedule to avoid satiation effects. Kameryn was under a fixed-ratio schedule. He was informed of the dangers of leaving his shoes around because someone could trip on them and hurt themselves, as well as how it negatively affects the appearance of the home. Kameryn was given verbal prompts instructing him to take his shoes off in his room and put them in his closet, as well as verbal praise when the target behavior was achieved. When he accomplished 2 out of the 3 task steps (daily) by Friday of each week, he was allowed to stay up an extra hour after bedtime to play his video games or watch a movie. This activity increased the occurrence of the targeted behavior.
The graph shows that the intervention had the desired affect. When the intervention was introduced, the instances of the target behavior increased. By the end of the intervention period, Kameryn accomplished all 3 of the tasks.
Kameryn was told that if he takes his shoes to his room or take his shoes off in his room...
Intervention (cont.)
...and put the shoes in his closet...
Intervention (cont.)
...he could stay up an extra hour before he goes to bed and play his video games.
Kameryn began with a low baseline, showing that he was not achieving very few of the target behaviors. When intervention was introduced on day 6, the target behavior occurred more frequently. By day 18, Kameryn showed a consistent improvement in completing the tasks.
There were no changes made during the learning process. Kameryn's reinforcement was an excellent motivator for him, and he became very aware of what he needed to do to receive his verbal praise and his reward of extra video game time at the end of the week.