How does a proactive person speak and behave?
Examples of Proactive Language
- Eating Healthy
- Excercise
- I can...
- There's gotta be a way
Reactive Languages
- Rude
- Eating junk food
- Saying it's someone else's fault
What is victimitis virus?
The victimitis virus is:
- a silent killer moving very quietly
- sufferers don't recognize the symptoms
How to avoid getting victimits virus: be proactive!
Why should we focus on the circle of control?
Circle of Control
- Stuff you can control
- Things you say
- Things you do
- And your actions
Circle of Control
- Stuff you can control
- Things you say
- Things you do
- And your actions
Focusing on the circle of control can make you a proactive person!!
How Do the 4 Human Tools Help Us Make Good Decisions?
- So you dont get in any fights and watch everything
- See new possibilities
- Have the power to choose
- Pictures from:
How Can Being Proactive Affect my Life?