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Before And After

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Before contact aboriginals
Before Europeans came to Australia aboriginals lived a natural and organic lifestyle. They hunted their own food. They didn't have shops or farms. They used natural resources to make weapons,baskets, houses and more. For example they used sharp rocks as knifes and weaved leaves together to make a basket

Before Contact aboriginals
Aboriginals were able to speak 5 languages fluently, but now many languages are critically endangered.Lack of knowledge already have cost lives.
Aboriginal language is yet to be formally included in schools despite students being “hungry” to learn them.

Before contact convicts
Before 1775, more than 40 000 convicts had been sent to American colonies. The American Revolution in 1776 meant that the British could no longer send their convicts to America. The English jails became very crowded so the government converted old, unused ships (called hulks) to send the convicts to Australia

After Contact aboriginals
When the first fleet arrived here they got the British flag and claimed the great south land (Australia) theirs. They started to explore the lands inhabitants. The settlers encountered the Indigenous communities, who tried to resist these strangers to their land. They used their spears to try and frighten the English, but the English had guns and were able to scare the Indigenous people away.

After Contact aboriginals
If aboriginals were still wandering around Australia Europeans would kill them or make them their slaves. A lot of aboriginal children got taken away from there family and adopted or were there slaves

After Contact convicts
After the first fleet got rid of the aboriginals they started to build jails and when they had finished they locked the convicts up and started colonising the great south land