When is a market free?
Conventional definition vs. Christian definition
Conventional definition of a free market economy: Adam Smith: In the absence of external coercion, to parties enter into an exchange because it would be mutually beneficial for them to do as long as it is bi-laterally voluntary and informed.
Freedom is pursuing whatever you want without the interference of others. (negative definition)
All that matters for a market to be free is that individuals have real wants and can pursue them without any interference.
Christian perspective:
Augustine: Freedom is being fully wrapped up in the will of God who is the condition of human freedom.
The key to true freedom is not just following whatever desires we happen to have, but cultivating the right desires.
The issue here is not just wanting too much, it is wanting without any idea of what we want.
To desire with no objective end of desire is to desire nothing and to become nothing.
Filling empty holes- filling the void.
Power- marketing ( commodifying goods that cannot be commodified)
power also evident in employer/ employee relations. considered good business practice to maximize the disparity of power between employers and employees to increase profit margin.
In a world of consumption without ends, it is assumed that the consumer will want to maximize power at the expense of the laborer.
So when is a market free? human flourishing
social costs
what kinds of exchanges are conducive to human life on earth
promoting economic practice that maintain close connections among capital, labor, and communities.
shalom- human dignity