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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By:Rahel fezum & Trinity boudreaux


  • Bellerphon was the son of Eurynome and Poseiden
  • The Greek meaning of his name is Slew Chimera
  • He is a demigod (son of Poseidon)
  • Has NO special powers of abilities
  • Mostly found in the plains of Lycia,Greece

HISTORY: Belleraphon was the son of Poseidon and Eurynome. Glaucus who was the husband of Eurynome raised Belleraphon with him thinking that the child was his. Growing up with an interest of horses Belleraphon quested after Pegasus. After many attempts he finally found Pegasus and was able to tame him perfectly being one of the only mortals to do so. Later with the help of Pegasus Belleraphon killed the monster Chimera which made him become the King of Lycia and though his life seemed to be going perfect Belleraphon then became very arrogant in which he tried to ride Pegasus to the top Mt. Olympus which angered the Greek god Zeus and caused him to throw him off of Pegasus leaving Belleraphon crippled and alone forever until he died.

Appearance: In most cases, Bellerophon is showed as a young man holding a spear in one of his hands and riding his Pegasus. In some pictures, he is also depicted killing Chimera.

The Quest Of Killing Chimera: After is success of taming Pegasus Bellerophon went to King Proetus to ask if he could marry his daughter but while he was there the King's wife Stheneboea tried to seduce Bellerophon,the King Proetus who then found out wanted to get rid of Bellerophon without having to accuse him publicly. So instead the King sent Bellerophon to King Iobates with a message that said "Pray remove the bearer from this world: he attempted to violate my wife, your daughter." Iobates then gave Bellerophon an impossible mission to kill Chimera thinking it was impossible and he would die doing it. Bellerophon,however killed the monster Chimera successfully.


  • Was originally called Hipponoüs but changed his name after killing a man.
  • Bellerophon's grandson Sarpedon was slain by the god Artemis.
  • Was exiled after killing his own brother Deliades.