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Ben Franklin - Electrical Scientist

Published on Dec 04, 2015

Presentation on the electrical scientist Benjamin Franklin.


ben Franklin

By: Adrian Wear

kite experiment

  • In 1750 he proposed an experiment
  • in order to prove that lightning is 
  • electricity. He flew a kite during a 
  • storm w/ the string tied to a key, and 
  • hoped to feel a spark, which he did.

lightning rod

  • He then used his observations to create 
  • the first lightning rod. He stood an iron rod
  • attached to a wire leading down to the 
  • ground on top of his house. This deterred
  • any lightning from striking his house.

conservation of charge

  • He came up with the idea that electric 
  • charges can neither be created nor 
  • destroyed. Also, he was the first to 
  • discover positive and negatively charged
  • "electrical fluids".


  • 1 Franklin (Fr) = 1statcoulomb