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Best Practices for Presentations

Published on Jan 27, 2019

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Best Practices for Presentations

Estie White

Start by choosing 3 main topics to outline your presentation

Educate the audience on having three distinct topics that have a clear beginning and end throughout the presentation.


  • Less is more
  • Tell a story
  • Allow audience to feel your passion
Here is what my three topics are for this presentation.

The less words, the more engaged your audience will be

For this slide I would highlight the importance of keeping the audience engaged and not having them try to constantly read what the slides say.

Untitled Slide

White space is good! Point out the positive impacts that white space has on the audience. Most importantly, it allows the audience to concentrate on the central content as opposed to being distracting by the non-important aspects of the slide.

Reiterate the importance of keeping your audience engaged by maintaining eye contact as well as not having them focus on trying to read the slides.

End topic about less being more.

Story time!

Use this time to add life to your topic
At this point in my presentation I would introduce the positive impact storytelling has on an audience. I would follow that by sharing a personal or professional story about how important adding real life emotions and characteristics is to produce an effective presentation.

This would be a more time consuming part of my presentation.

End topic on the positive effect of story time.

Untitled Slide

Introduce the topic of sharing your passion.

If you aren't passionate about it, no one in your audience will be.

Be passionate!

  • Make others feel your passion
  • Grab the audiences attention
  • Give reason for why you are passionate about the topic
If you make your presentation interesting, you have the audiences attention more likely than not. This is your chance to make your passion contagious! Use this chance wisely and carefully!

Give background context as to why this is important to you and why it is also important to the audience.

Point out that if you present over something you're passionate about, you won't need to be reading from a screen or a note card.

End topic on the importance of being passionate.

One last thing...

Practice, practice, practice

You will never be a good presenter no matter how passionate, how animated, how good at storytelling you are if you don't practice.

Practice until you can recite your presentation in your sleep.

Thank you

Contact Estie White for more information
Thank the audience for their time and engagement.

Always leave some way for the audience to contact the presenter or company at the end.