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Published on Aug 23, 2017

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morning report

CC: "sore throat, cough"

CC: "Sore throat, cough'

  • 2 wk, progressively worsening sore throat, cough
  • Worse w/ swallowing, eating
  • Subjective fevers x 2wk
  • Dry cough, "always spitting phlegm"
  • Pert Neg - n/v, d/c, SOB, c/p, night sweats

CC: "Sore throat, cough'

  • Allergies - none
  • Meds - HAART (prophylaxis)
  • PMH/PSH - none
  • SH - social drinker/ smoker, MSM (1)
  • VS - 100.1, 89, 121/81, 19 (99%RA)


  • Viral, strep pharyngitis
  • Retropharyngeal abscess
  • Peritonsillar abscess
  • Tonsillar cellulitis
  • Epiglottis
  • Ludwigs Angina
  • Misc - Malignancy, referred pain (ACS), FBA
Photo by NIAID

Physical EXAM

  • VS - 100.1, 89, 121/81, 19 (99%RA)
  • Gen - anxious, spitting in cup, "nasally", muffled voice
  • Oral - uvula deviation, u/l tonsillar swelling
  • Lungs - CTABL
  • "Nasally", muffled voice

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DDX - PT Abscess vs. cellulitis

WU - PT Abscess vs. cellulitis

  • CBC, BMP (though not necessary)
  • Throat culture
  • CT
  • Ultrasound
  • *Abscess culture (if drained)



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peritonsillar Abscess

  • Pus between tonsils and superior constrictor muscle
  • 90% unilateral
  • Polymicrobial, anaerobes, GABS, s.aureus
  • Sx - fever/chills, trismus, “hot potato voice”, “worst sore throat of my life”; drool (spit), difficulty swallowing
  • RF - immunocompromised, smokers, M>F

Tx - Peritonsillar Abscess

  • I/D
  • Needle aspiration drainage
  • AB's (450mg Clindamycin PO q6h or 875mg Amox/Clauvulanate PO BID)
Photo by Leo Reynolds

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PTA drainage STEPS

  • Pre-treat - 1mg Ativan
  • Numb - Lido w/ epi (5cc syringe, 27G)
  • US visualize and measure
  • Supply preparation
  • Drain

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PTA drainage tips

  • VL (held by patient)
  • 2-person drainage (IV tubing)
  • Cold-water rinse (decr bleeding)

Complications - PTA

  • Airway obstruction
  • Recurrence (10-15%)
  • Carotid Artery Rupture*
  • Aspiration PNA/ Bacteremia
  • Lemierre's Syndrome (JV thrombophlebitis)
Photo by bark

Summary - PTA

  • Not all sore throat = strep
  • TVUS = quick diagnosis
  • Be safe - Measure & cap needle
  • VL = great tongue depressor
  • Skip the consult (this is why you chose EM)

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