"Surveys by the organizations show taht 67 percent of college students who had a Big Brother Big Sister mentor credited the adult volunteers with their decisions to go to college. (Prine, 2014)
"The longer kids are in the Big Brother Big Sister program, the less likely they are to do drugs and 90 percent of them improve their grades in school, according to the nonprofit's research." (Prine, 2014)
Most of our students come from extreme poverty which puts them more at risk of not even making it through high school.
This initiative would allow our students to access a mentor to help keep them accountable and to create a healthy role model relationship that so many lack at home.
"Most local programs operate in more of less the same way; they recruit and carefully screen volunteer applicants for one-to-one matches; they screen youth, who usually come from single-parent households and who must (along with their parents) desire to enter into a match; and they carefully match adult volunteers with youngsters based on backgrounds, on the stated preferences of adult volunteers, parents and youth, and on geographic proximity." (Grossman & Tierney, 2000)
Grossman, J. B., & Tierney, J. P. (1998). Does Mentoring Work?: An Impact Study of the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program. Evaluation Review, 22(3), 403-426. doi:10.1177/0193841x9802200304