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Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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Bill of Rights

Amendments 1-10
Photo by mrgarethm

1st Amendment - The 5 Basic Freedoms

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Freedom of Religion

Cannot prevent establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.

Freedom of Speech

The right to speak opinions publicly without interference by the government.

Freedom of Press

The right to speak opinions without censorship by the government.

Freedom of Assembly

The right to hold public meetings without interference by the government.
Photo by GFAR

Freedom of Petition

Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people to petition the government.

2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms

The right to carry a gun.
Photo by WarzauWynn

3rd Amendment - Quartering Soldiers

Right to assign soldiers to private houses.

4th Amendment - Right to Privacy

Cannot threaten the privacy of others.
Photo by nitot

5th Amendment - Rights of the Accused

Individuals accused of crimes will be given a fair trial.
Photo by Lachlan Hardy

6th Amendment - Rights to a Fair Trial

Separating the guilty from the innocent and protecting against injustice.
Photo by euthman

7th Amendment - Rights in Civil Trials

The right of trial by jury should be preserved.

8th Amendment - No Cruel and Unusual Punishment

There shall be no cruel and usual punishment.

9th Amendment - Powers of the People

Individuals have other fundamental rights.
Photo by @lattefarsan

10th Amendment - Powers of the State

The balance of power between the federal government and the states.
Photo by BlueRobot