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Bill to Law

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Bill to Law

The Legislative Process
Photo by Scott*

Congress is the law making branch of government

Photo by ajagendorf25

Bill to Law

  • All bills start out as ideas
  • Interest groups can play a big role in presenting ideas to Congress
  • Members of Congress can introduce a bill

Bill to Law

  • Once a bill is introduced by a member of Congress it starts the legislative process.

Bill to Law

  • Bills are given a name based on which house of Congress introduces it.
  • Examples: H.R.1 or S.1
Photo by smlp.co.uk

Bills must be approved by the house it was created in by a simple majority before it is sent to the other house

Presidential Actions

  • Once a bill is passed by both houses it goes to the president's desk for approval.
Photo by bobosh_t

The President can...

  • Sign and pass the bill into law
  • Reject and veto the bill
  • Do nothing with Congress adjourned - pocket veto
  • Do nothing with Congress in session - bill becomes law
Photo by an agent


  • Killed
  • Scrapped and started anew
  • Overridden by 2/3 (66%) vote from each house of Congress
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Assignment: Study the Legislative Process - Open Google Classroom for the assignment.

Photo by Carlos Luna