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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Read the sentence: Find organisms that live in many different biomes with ecosystems that help support them.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "biome" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by shirokazan


  • a living community characterized by distinctive plant and animal species 
  • (noun)
Photo by fung.leo


  • Read the sentence: Use factual information when writing the biography of a famous celebrity’s life.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "biography" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by Lewis Walsh


  • a written account of another person's life
  • (noun)
Photo by Muffet


  • Read the sentence: Utilize biodegradable resources so it is easier for them to break down back into the earth.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "biodegradable" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by mathiasbaert


  • capable of decaying through the action of living organisms:
  • able to be broken down into the earth
  • (adjective)
Photo by mathiasbaert


  • Read the sentence: Study for your biology test and learn about living organisms.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "biology" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by raindog


  • the science of life
  • the living organisms of a region
  • (noun)


  • Read the sentence: Learn about biological sciences where the teacher teaches about living organisms.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "biological" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by ggallice


  • pertaining to the science of life/biology
  • (adjective)