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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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By: Lauren Hall
Photo by BioDivLibrary

The plasma membrane is like white blood cells because the plasma membrane protects and supports the cells in the same way the white blood cells help protect the body from disease

Photo by TheJCB

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The nucleus is like the brain because the nucleus contains the DNA just as the brain contains information

Photo by thekirbster

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The cytoskeleton is like the skeleton because the cytoskeleton gives cells their shape just like the skeleton gives shape to the body

Photo by TheJCB

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The mitochondrion is like the heart because the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell and allows things to work in the same way the heart makes blood flow to places in order to make them work

Photo by msitua

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Chromosomes are like the muscles because chromosomes are DNA tightly wound into threadlike structures in the way muscles are tightly wound into each other

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The Golgi Apparatus is like the stomach because the Golgi Apparatus modifies, sorts and packages from the ER for storage in the cell or release out of the cell in the same the stomach modifies what goes into it

Photo by TheJCB

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The lysosome is like menstruation because the lysosome is the cells cleanup crew in the same way ovulation acts as the uterus' clean up crew

Photo by euthman

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The ribosome is like lungs because the ribosome is where proteins are assembled in the same way oxygen assembles in the lungs

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The vacuole is like the gallbladder because the vacuole stores material in the same way the gallbladder stores bile

Photo by euthman

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The endoplasmic reticulum is like the large intestine because the endoplasmic reticulum assembles proteins and more and begins transport around the cell in the same way the large intestine transports waste to the rectum

Photo by TheJCB

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