September 30, 1981 is Dominique Moceanu's birthday and she lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
Major impact on the world:
She inspires young athletes all over the world and she encourages others to do their best and train hard.
1st accomplishment 1983
Her family moves to highland, Illinois near Chicago Where she was entered in her first gymnastics class.
2nd accomplishment 1987
Her family moves to Tampa, Florida and is enrolled at LaFleur's gymnastics where she continues to advance.
3rd accomplishment
Her family moves to Houston so she can train with a good instructor.
4th accomplishment
United States national championships, junior division
The youngest
Junior qualifier (age 10)
Finished 5th.
5th accomplishment
United States national championships, junior division. It was one of her best competitions, even though she messed up a couple times.
6th accomplishment 1995:
Reese's international gymnastics cup
Gold medal.
7th accomplishment
VISa challenge, senior division
Her first gold medal all-around.
8th accomplishment 1995
World team trials
Gold medal: all-around.
9th accomplishment
World championships (senior division)
Silver medal balance beam;bronze medal team competition.
10th accomplishment
She won an Olympic gold medal on the women gymnastic team in Atlanta. She performed dynamic gymnastic routines.