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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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The Tundra is located in the highest part of the northern hemisphere.This biome is one of the harshest places in the world for an organism to survive. It is cold,windy, and has little to no rain, but is very mountainous.

Abiotic Features
The tundra biome has very distinct features. Typically, only about 6-10 inches of precipitation falls each year. Any that does fall will mostly be snow, due to the average temperature of 10-20 degrees Celsius. The tundra also is has a lot of mountains, and even glaciers because of the extreme cold.

There are actually a wide variety of animals that live in the tundra. Some of these animals include the arctic fox, wolverine, snowy owl, caribou/reindeer, buffalo, and polarbear. Many times animals fight over food, because the populations are so small.

Just like there are many different types of animals, there are many types of plants, such as lichen, mosses, and low shrubs/small trees.

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Food Web
In one example of a food web, the caribou eat the mosses, who is eaten by the bear, who is eaten by the wolf, and is finally eaten by the owl.

Plant and a Animal Adaptaions
Many plants and animals have adapted to life in the Tundra. Things like changing color(brown to white; fox), growing and shedding fur, hibernating, having short roots(plants; mosses), and eating more food to build up fat(polarbears).

Ecological Issues and Concerns
One of the most drastic concerns of scientists are the melting of glaciers. Some scientists blame this on human made global warming, and others say it's the earth moving into another Ice Age. Humans pollute the air, water, and earth with waste.