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Biology Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Porifera(sponges)they are multicellular and spend most of their life on the sea floor. They feed by filtering water through their body's. - They maintain homeostasis by absording surrounding water. They change their internal environment to adapt to the external environment
- They get their nutrients from the water flowing through them. They can reproduce sexually and asexually. They reproduce sexually by releasing sperm into the water landing on another sponge and fertilize an egg cell. They reproduce asexually by budding. Budding is where a small sponge will grow off the parent sponge.
- sponges protect themselves from predators by producing a chemical that is either toxic or repulsive they also have a structure made out of silicate which is like glass.…

Cnidarias are aquatic animal that have stinging cells their bodies consist of mesoglea which is a non-living jelly like substance. They maintain homeostasis by their cells exchanging nutrients and waste directly with the environment. They reproduce by sexual and asexual reproduction.
They reproduce sexually by sperm swimming until it find an egg. Then it becomes a larva. They protect themselves from predators with their stinging cells located on their tentacles.
Cnidarias protect themselves from illness by having bacteria that fight of pathogens or bad bacteria. Examples of Cnidarias are corals,jellyfish, and sea anemones.

Platyhelminda are thin flattened worms with simple tissue and sensory organs. They maintain homeostasis through there hydroskeleton as well as their three layers the three layers help keep them together. They acquire nutrient through there mouth where it gets digested in the gut cavity. They reproduce by sexual and asexual reproduction. They have both sexual parts so they don't have to have a partner. The reproduce asexually by removing a small piece of themselves. Platyhelminthes protected themselves from predators by using there camouflage. They protected themselves from illnesses by their three layers. Their outer layer stops any pathogen from entering them. Example of them are tapeworm flatworms and flukes.

Nematoda are small roundworms. mainly all species are parasites. Less than ten millimeters long. They don't really have a method of homeostasis. They acquire nutrients through there mouth they eat plant matter, algae and bacteria. They reproduce sexually they are born from eggs. After they hatch they become larvae. They protect themselves by giving a bad disease to anything that eats them.
They are parasites so they give off the disease.
Examples are the hookworm the pinworm and the guinea worm.

Annelida are segmented worms made of many similar segments. They maintain homeostasis by having a closed developed circulatory system but with no real heart. They absorb nutrients from eating organic waste material the. The food is broken down in its digestive system. Annelid can reproduce sexually and asexually. Some have male and female parts so they can reproduce by themselves. They reproduce asexually by breaking apart off of them and it grows into a new organism. They protect themselves by poisonous bite or can regenerate. Their outer skin protects them from pathogens. Some example are earthworms and leeches and snails.

Molluscas are soft-bodied aquatic animal that usually have an outer shell. They maintain homeostasis by having a circulatory system that has a double flow. One is based around the external environment. They absorb nutrients from eating food and digesting it.
Mollusk reproduce by sexual reproduction. Some have both male and female parts. Others go through cross fertilization. Mollusk protect themselves with there hard shell. They protect themselves from illness with there slimy skin.
Some examples are,snails,squids,and clams.

Animals with an exoskeleton with jointed appendages such as legs or wings they maintain homeostasis by having exoskeleton that allows them to grow. They are omnivores they eat animals then digest that and absorb the nutrients through the digestive system. They reproduce by transferring sperm from the male to the female through a sealed packet called spermatophore.
They defend themselves with there exoskeleton from predators and illness.
Examples are crabs,scorpion, and lobsters.

Moving marine animal,internal skeleton. They can regenerate parts
They maintain homeostasis with their water vascular system it lets them do to the deepest part of the oceans. They reproduce by sexual reproduction they release sperm into the water and fertilizes the egg. The echinoderm starts off as a larvae. They protect themselves from predators by having poisonous spines or give off a bad smelling chemical.
Their immune system protects them from many disease.
Example of echinoderms are starfish, sea urchins, and sand dollars.

Chordates Are animals possessing a spinal cord and that had a tail at one point. They maintain homeostasis by digesting food that provides them with energy. They absorb nutrients through there mouth and metabolizing food. They all go through sexual reproduction some give birth to live young and others lay eggs. They protect themselves from predators with claws teeth venom or shell.
They have a immune system that fights off all pathogens. Example of Chordates are frogs,humans, and fish