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Biomass Energy and Fuels

Published on Nov 20, 2015

The Pros and Cons of Biomass Energy/fuels and Why I think they should be utilized


Biomass Energy and Fuels

a possible solution to the energy crisis

What Is Biomass?

  • biomass is material from living or recently living organisms
  • different  types of biomass that are all used for different things
  • Examples of biomass include: corn, scrap lumber, garbage, etc.


  • Truly a renewable fuel
  • available around the world
  • much cleaner than fossil fuels
  • fairly inexpensive to produce
  • will never run out


  • process of utilizing energy is expensive
  • sometimes deforestation can occur
  • some types of biomass aren't available year-round
  • sometimes it releases pollution
Photo by Disco-Dan

My Opinion

  • Biomass energy is a good thing
  • there are ways to prevent the air pollution
  • it is overall better for the environment
  • it is available to most people around the world
  • America should take the opportunity to utilize this fuel

How Does it Work?

  • the biomass fuel is burned
  • the heat from the burning biomass turns water to steam
  • the steam turns turbines
  • the turbines generate electricity
Photo by marcus5spot

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