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Bird Brain: Why Are Parrots So Smart?

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Photo by mripp

Have you ever encountered a parrot that could talk?
Have you ever tried to make them repeat what you say? But have you thought why parrots can do that but not other animals?

Photo by mohammadali

The human brain and the bird brain actually have a lot in common. From the outside, they look really alike. But it doesn't stop there.

On the inside, the brains are arranged very similarly. Though it doesn't say, the purple part of the brain is the hearing and speaking. As you can see, it's pretty close in area.

-According to Duke University, "Parrots are one of the few animals considered ‘vocal learners,’ meaning they can imitate sounds."
-And they found "the average bird's brain had twice as many brain cells per gram as the average mammal."

Photo by Kusadasi-Guy

Boring Stuff

Chi, Kelly Rae. "Research." Parrot Brain Has Unique Structure for Speech | Research. N.p., 26 June 2015. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

Fernandez, Collin. "Bird Brains? No, Parrots Are Just As Bright As Apes! Birds Found To Have More Brain Cells Despite Organs Being Much Smaller." Daily Mail. Associated Newspaper Ltn, 13 June 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Photo by atomicshark