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BLAck Plague

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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BLAck Plague

The Spread of Death & Chaos

How the Plague reached Europe?

It first spread across Asia and eventually reaching Europe affecting society.

Its effects on the Population

In its way it killed 2/3rds of the population spreading chaos everywhere. Each day people would bury corpses. It affected society, religion, and economy.

Its effects on the Economy

Many people did not serve unless they got excessive wages. Laborers denied loans and rental payments. Many vessels and masters did not agree with each other because of the scarce of servants, not working the lands eventually paying more for normal laborers.

Its effects on Society

Huge amount of people dead. Laws were almost weak to continue. Feudalism was falling apart.

Relationship between the Plague and Religion

Praying was vital for everything in the 14th century, the only solution for the plague to go away was to pray. It did not work, making the faith of people to decrease about God, weakening the church.


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