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Published on Dec 02, 2020

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A tribe in the greatplains By Ava

In the blackfeet tribe they never stayed in one place they were always moving. They followed the buffalo.

The blackfeet lived in teepees which were easy to move when they were traveling.

The blackfeet ate deer, buffalo,Elk,Rabbits, and berries.

Photo by Samira Zaman

In the great plains it was really cold in the winters and warm in the summer the also was a lot of wind.

Photo by Luca Bravo

The blackfeets transportation was horses they were a very big part especially sense they had a nomadic life.

Photo by David Dibert

One of the tools the blackfeet used was a bow and arrow

Fun facts

  • Because they moved a lot the did't do much Art
  • They made there teepes out of buffalo hind.
  • Somthing they did for fun was tell stories or legends.