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Bleeding Kansas

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Bleeding Kansas

 Chaos that drove people to Kansas
Photo by davedehetre

The Start of Kansas

  • Kansas wanted to join the U.S.A as a state
  • Problem, both north and south need to be even in states
  • So, U.S. goverment decides people in Kansas will vote 
  • It could be north or south
  • People flock from both the south and north to have kansas
Photo by VinothChandar

The start of chaos

  • So, when these people met, it got bad
  • Pro slavery people bought their guns to Kansas
  • These were the first people to get there
  • So, Henry Beecher Stowe sends guns for north people
  • Now that both are armed, utter CHAOS looks near

Pro slavery idea for ATtack!

  • Pro slavery/south people decide to attack Lawrence
  • There they will arrest the free soil/north leaders
  • However, North leaders in Lawrence hear of this and leave. 
  • HA! Pro slavery can't get them now!
  • South don't see them there.They BURN THE TOWN INSTEAD!
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Sack of Lawrence aftermath.

  • One died after this
  • Much of  town was burnt down
  • Abolitionist John Brown decided now it was time to fight
  • Fight fire with fire, and strike terror in the hearts of the south people
  • This would bring REVENGE on the pro slavery people. Watch out south!

North's Revenge! Mwahaha!

  • May 24, 1856, start of sweet REVENGE!
  • John Brown leads a company of 7 along Pottawatomie Creek
  •  4 of his company were his own sons. Talk about sticking together!
  • Pulled 5 pro slavery people from their homes and killed them
  • Became the Pottawatomie Massacare
Photo by Sam Ilić

Aftermath and more chaos

  • Ok, pro slavery people don't take this lightly
  • All go back and forth on attacks for just Kansas on their side
  • The state of Kansas go's into a civil war, but not U.S.
  • 200 killed after the month of May
  • Eventually, Union win this state and get advantage! YES!

This is just one of many events leading up to not a state war, but a country war. Kansas is no joke now.