First we start in the veins. The veins carry the deoxygenated blood to the heart.
The blood enters the heart in the right atrium.
The valves keep the blood flowing in one direction by building pressure.
The right ventricle then pumps the blood to the pulmonary artery.
The pulmonary artery carries the blood to the lungs where it will get oxygenated.
Then the newly oxygenated blood goes back to the heart in the pulmonary vein.
The blood reenters the heart through the left atrium.
The blood then goes to the left ventricle where it gets a nice big push to go throughout the body.
Then the blood is pumped to the aorta where it can be distributed throughout the body.
The aorta gets the blood to the arteries where it goes everywhere in the body.
Then the blood goes to the capillaries where the blood is transferred to the veins.
Also because blood is getting deoxygenated CO2 is produced.
Then the deoxygenated blood goes to the heart through the veins.