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Blood Spatter Patterns

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Arterial Spurting

A blood stain pattern that happens when blood exits the body with force from an open artery

Back spatter

Blood that goes in the direction of the force that caused the spatter

Cast-off Pattern

A bloodstain pattern created when blood is thrown from an object that holds it

High-velocity Impact stain

A pattern created by a quick impact or force to a blood source. This is mostly caused by a gunshot

Medium-velocity impact stain

A pattern created by a medium speed impact or force to a blood source. Mostly caused by beating or stabbing

Low-velocity impact stain

A pattern caused by a low-speed impact or force to a blood source

Passive Drop

A bloodstain drop that is created by the force of gravity alone

Swipe Pattern

When blood on a source is place on an unstained surface

Transfer/contact Stain

A pattern created when a bloody surface comes in contact of another surface