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Seems like the amazing guy I want to know about
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Published on Nov 23, 2015

Bobby Fu is much amaze



All about this guy
Seems like the amazing guy I want to know about
Photo by MagnusL3D


Age, Ethnicity, Religion
Age: 15 Ethnicity: Chinese Religion: Atheist


Habits, Lifestyle, Personality
Habits: Eating food while working
Planning out things beforehand
Lifestyle: Relaxed, stable, controlled
Personality: Positive
Photo by kevin dooley


Math, Communication, Working in Small Groups
Math: I'm good with numbers
Communication: I enjoy speaking with people
Working in small groups: I feel like I get to communicate with all the members which results in good production.
Photo by ecstaticist


Sleeping, Sushi, Dogs, Finishing Work on Time, Talking
Sleeping: For my own health and comfort
Sushi: Tasty and just sushi
Dogs: Good guys and are friendly
Finishing work on time: Nothing more satisfying than knowing that there's nothing to do today and I just get to relax
Talking: Speaking with people actually helps reduce stress for me


Stress, Working By Myself, Public Speaking
Stress: I get stressed easily if there's a lot of pressure on me
Working by myself: I sometimes get lost by myself
Public Speaking: To be honest, I've never really enjoyed public speaking. i think my greatest weakness is my fear of being judged by my peers.
Photo by Kuyan Redman


Cats, Waking up Early, Losing
Cats: They are evil and want to harm me
Waking up Early: I don't drink coffee so this is a bit hard for me to be productive in the morning
Losing: No one likes losing, but i will seriously get stressed over every single loss despite showing good sportsmanship
Photo by The_BreaKer

Group: Finance

Because reasons!
I'm just that good with numbers! I like math and finance seems good for me. I don't know about production though!
Photo by aresauburn™