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Body Systems

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • 206 bones
  • Ribs protect the heart and lungs
  • Basic framwork of the body
  • Bones cover and protect the organs inside of the body
  • The skull protect the brains
Photo by postbear


  • Muscles help move bones by pulling them
  • The muscular system is made of all of the muscles attached to bones
Photo by postbear


  • When you breath air it enters your body through your nose or mouth
  • The air moves down your throat and passes through your trachea
  • The passes through your trachea then goes to your lungs
  • Oxygen is taken into your blood and carbon dioxide leaves your blood through structures in your blood
  • The air you breathe out has less oxygen and more carbon dioxide the air you breathe in
Photo by Teseum


  • The brain is the core of your nervous system collects information and make decisions
  • Your spinal cord the main pathway for messages between the brain and the rest of the body
  • Your nerves carry messages, a message passes from one nerve to the next nerve, and so on soon the message reaches your brain
Photo by Reigh LeBlanc


  • Chewing breaks down food into smaller peices and mixes with saliva
  • The chewed food then enters the esophagus, which is connected into the stomach
  • In the stomach, food mixed with chemicals that break the food down and passes it it the small intestines
  • More chemicals continue to break down food in the small intestines, nutrients are then absorbed into the body then passes on to the large intestines
  • Water is removed from food and taken into the body from the large intestines, any remaining food that as not been digested becomes solid waste
Photo by GreenFlames09


  • Center of the circulator system
  • Pumps through blood vessels called arteries
Photo by derek*b