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Book club suggestion

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Book club suggestion

By: Sarah Johnson
Photo by jessamyn

Book by:
Jennifer Donnelly

Main characters

Serafina is a princess or a princepessa (As she is called in the book)Serafina is the Daughter of Merrow

Neela is also a princepessa. Neela is the Daughter that holds the light.
Photo by tata_aka_T


Ling is a commoner. She is the Daughter that Speaks All Creatures Songs meaning she can speak all languages.

Astrid is the Daughter that Doesn't Yet Believe meaning she doesn't believe that she is chosen to save Miromara.

Becca is the Daughter that has a Spirit Sure and Strong. She doesn't give up easily, especially when she needs to protect her friends.

Ava is the Daughter that possess The Prophets Sight. Even though she is blind, she sees many things with her senses. Hearing, seeing, feeling, and smelling.
Photo by mRio

An evil monster is trying to destroy Miromara.

The monsters name is Abbadon. He was created and helped destroy Atlantis, before he was locked away.
Photo by Art4Life75

Serafina and her friends are chosen to protect Miromara

The six girls are direct descendants of the first six. Merrow {Serafina}, Navi {Neela},
Pyrrha {Becca}, Nyx {Ava}, Sycorax {Ling} and
Orfeo {Astrid}.
Photo by Len Radin

This book is a saga, so it leaves you on a cliff hanger