Step 1: Information -This is the literal level of reading. It includes defining the vocabulary, unraveling complicated sentences, determining setting, characters, and certain context for the passage. Many times we are tempted to rush past this step, but it is vital in setting up the foundation for things will expand later, and in preventing us from “over line reading.”
Step 2: Analysis – This is the bridge between the first and the third steps. It is a concrete process of noticing. Things to pay attention to and note are the form of the work, repetition, use of certain kinds of grammar and figures of speech. The more specific your analysis, the better you will be able to accomplish the third step.
Ex. --- “ Only one character is doing all the talking.”
Step 3: Interpretation -- This is what people typically think when they think about close reading. Now we can consider the specific of the information we’ve gathered in the first two steps. We should try to expand what light is shed on the text by things we noticed, and how the passage is important in relation to the rest of the text.
Ex. – “ Why Does the character do all the talking?’
Formal Assessment Objective: By the end if this lesson, students will be able to comprehend select articles by using reading strategies to critically analyze Literature
The article is written in first, second, third , or the omniscient point of View __
What was the author’s purpose for writing this piece of literature? Provide information about the author’s background and how it relates to this assignment. __
Identify characters and their relationships __
What is the theme of this Story (A short phrase of words that expresses a thought about life) __
Make sure you have addressed the five W’s Who, What, When, Where, How _
Each numbered section is worth 10 points. Please read each section and make sure you analyze and present your piece according to the items listed. Please turn in a copy of your reading with this rubric.
Total Score ___
Each numbered section is worth 10 points. Please read each section and make sure you analyze and present your piece according to the items listed. Please turn in a copy of your reading with this rubric.