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Boston Bombing

Published on Dec 30, 2015

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Boston Bombing Conspiracy

FaKE Proposal

Photo by -Dreamflow-

Was he just trying to cover up that he wasnt apart of the plot or is the proposal just a rumor

He was just a render aid to Sydney Corcoran. The Picture was so touching a false rumor started, He was just a stranger.

The Boston Bombing was staged

Jeff Bauman

  • Similarities in the loss of his legs in the Boston Marathon and Nick Vogt
  • Jeff Bauman is not the same guy as Nick Vogt
  • Their are certain pictures that show that they are different people
  • Jeff did not lose any blood until he was on the girdle
  • A woman who had a simple head injury was taken before him

How it Could have been Staged.

First man puts on the fake leg. The women covers it up

Their real people

  • The fake torn legs would have been seen at the hospital
  • There was no blood because the artery was torn
  • When an artery is torn it contracts and muscles stop them from bleeding
  • Nick Vogt had lost his pinky at war
  • Jeff Bauman had only his legs torn off at the bombing