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Bougie-Aided Cricothyroidotomy

Published on Dec 20, 2015

A cognitive tool for a quick review of the steps in performing a bougie-A=aided cricothryoidotomy


Bougie-Aided Cric

The Protected Airway Presents How To Perform a

Laryngeal Handshake

Begin by finding your landmarks with a
Goal: to identify the cartilaginous complex consisting of the hyoid-thyroid-cricoid.

Technique: using your DOMINANT hand grasp with thumb on one side and four fingers on the other side just under the mandible Feel the framework of the upper airway.


Predicting a difficult airway? Use a surgical marker so you can rapidly identify essential landmarks again if you need to!

Goal: find cricothyroid membrane.

Technique: place left hand resting on the patient’s chin, and your thumb and fingers grasping the larynx. The most inferior prominence of the laryngeal complex palpated by your index finger will be the cricoid. The first soft spot palpated up is the cricothyroid membrane.

Vertical Incision

From Thyroid to Cricoid Cartilage, Make a Generous
Goal: Find the cricothyroid membrane

Technique: make a 1-3cm VERTICAL incision through the skin, particularly if anatomy is not well defined.

Use a finger to feel for the cricothyroid membrane

Once the cricothyroid membrane is

At the Cricothyroid Membrane

Make a "Stabbing" Horizontal Incision

Rotate Vertically

Leave the Scalpel In Place, Change Hands, and
Have a 6.0 Endotracheal tube or a 6.0 cuffed Tracheostomy tube.

Insert Bougie

With Scalpel in Vertical position
Have a 6.0 Endotracheal tube or a 6.0 cuffed Tracheostomy tube.

Remove scalpel & slide 6.0 ETT or tracheal tube over bougie

Have a 6.0 Endotracheal tube or a 6.0 cuffed Tracheostomy tube.

Cadaver Model

Watch this technique performed in a 

Simplify & Remember

In the Stress of a Failed Airway




In Your Favor

May the Airway Be Ever