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Published on Nov 20, 2015

A project on bullying.


Kids at risk: How can we stop bullying?

What is bullying?

Bullying is a hurtful and disrespectful behavior.

Bullying is BEINg

aggressive both verbally and physically towards a weaker person.
Photo by TheeErin

Why do people bully?

  • Bullies have low self-esteem.
  • Bullies sometimes have a hard time making friends.
  • Many people who were bullied become bullies.
  • Bullies often bully because of all the troubles they've had in their past.

What are kids bullied about?

Photo by Click*64

we surveyed the students of parmalee elementary and this is

what our school thought:

survey results of what kids think thAT OTHER kids ARE bullied ABOUT:

  • The way that they dress.
  • How they do their hair.
  • Their weight.
  • Personal appearance.
  • Their way of doing certain things. 

THAT bullying is teRrible.

We interviewed kids from different classes, and they all agreed 

these things may not seem to be a big deal...

But bullying can be life-threatening.

Photo by Mikamatto

about 4,400 kids per year commit suicide after being bullied.

how can we stop bullying?

we think that if people RECOGNIZE bullying,

we will be able to stop bullying in schools.

Many people don't realize that bullying is happening.

This is because bullying has become an everyday event of life.

Only 30% of bullied kids report being bullied

because others are afraid to stand up for themselves.

we think schools could improve on education on bullying BECAUSE

kids don't know the danger of bullying.


Most kids just watch bullying happen, so it never gets stopped.
Photo by Darrin Klimek

People don't realize the negative effect bullying can have.

Don't be a bully. Help us stop bullying before someone else gets hurt.
Photo by Darrin Klimek

By: Camille Deranleau, Dylan Osborn, Kylie Clarkson, and Shannon Roamer

Photo by Image Source

we would like to thank

  • Our principal, Mrs. Mielke,
  • The students of Parmalee Elementary,
  • The teachers of Parmalee Elementary,
  • and all of the websites and tools we used.
Photo by Creatas