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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Culminating activities
Photo by conner395

Lesson 1

The B.R.A.V.O. Program


  • Building
  • Respect
  • Attitudes
  • and Values
  • through Others
Photo by dcsaint


  • State the situation
  • Think about what you could do
  • Act on the best choice
  • Review your choice
Photo by eldeeem

Lesson 2

Peer Pressure
Photo by sillygwailo

Types of peer pressure

  • POSITIVE:People trying to get you to do something good
  • FRIENDLY:People trying to get you to do something by being friendly
  • TEASING:People trying to get you to do something by teasing you
  • BULLYING:People trying to get you to do something by threats of all kinds
Photo by jeffsmallwood

How to say "NO!"

  • Be confident
  • Use good body language
  • Make eye contact
  • Speak in a strong voice
  • Don't cave

Lesson 3

Tobacco and Marijuana
Photo by PNASH

Facts About Tobacco

  • It is made from a plant of the same name
  • One of the ingredients called nicotine is poisonous and addictive
  • The tobacco products kill millions of people each year
  • Tobacco products are deadly regardless of what form it's in
  • There are 4000+ dangerous chemicals in tobacco
Photo by Sara&Joachim

Tobacco causes

  • Cancer
  • Heart problems
  • Tooth decay
  • Bad breath
  • Skin damage and breathing problems
Photo by Hussain Isa


  • Is illeagle
  • Causes mental decay
  • Is addictive
  • Is primarily smoked so it has some of the same effects of tobacco
  • Has a distinctive smell but colour sometimes will differ
Photo by benoit_d


Unless they were perscribed to you

Lesson 4

Photo by jenny downing


  • Although it comes in many different forms it still has the same affect
  • It can seriously damage your development
  • You can only drink it if you are over the age of 19 in ontario
  • NEVER combine it with any medication
  • It causes temporary and permanent brain damage/alteration and liver cancer

Lesson 5

Photo by bullyinguk

Types of Bullying

  • Verbal: name calling, insulting, threatening
  • Social/Emotional: rumours, gossip, excluding
  • Physical: use of force, assaulting
  • Cyber Bullying: use of social media to do any of the first 2 types

Bullying is different than normal conflict because it is repeated, done on purpose and the problem is being created rather than resolved.

Photo by TheeErin

How to Help

  • Be an upstander
  • Report it
  • Support the victim
  • Support the bystander
  • DON'T be a bully

Lesson 6

Internet and social media

The internet

  • Is educational and entertaining
  • A great way to stay in touch with others
  • Full of places to shop at


  • It is also not always factual
  • Some of the people are not who they say they are
  • Any thing put on can never be removed
  • Older people try to lure younger kids on social media
  • Other people will try to access your personal info
Photo by altemark

T.H.I.N.K. before you post

  • is it True
  • Hurtful
  • Illeagal
  • Necessary
  • Kind
Photo by mkhmarketing

Lesson 7

Youth actions, consequences and the law
Photo by einalem

Family Rules:
curfew and homework
grounded and family let down

Photo by Fulla T

School Rules:
be kind, hands to self, try to get good grades
detention, suspension, expulsion

Municipal By-Laws:
not too loud, no loitering, boarding

Provincial Laws:
liquor limitations, smoking limitations, highway traffic act
arrest, fine, ticket

Photo by Lone Primate

Federal Laws:
no assault, threatening, mischief or theft, restriction on possessing drugs
arrest, court, criminal record, charges, community service, imprisonment, probation