Plot Brian is in high school and gets in a fight with a boy named Carl. Brian got so mad he beat Carl really badly, that the police had to come. Brian did not fit in with others any more so he wanted to go back to the woods. He went to therapist and explained every thing that happened. He also told his therapist how he wanted to go back to the woods, and his therapist to him it was okey. Brian has to travel to the wilderness by himself again. Brian got attacked by a deer in his boat and then he realize that the deer was doing good and he meets this guy named Billy and Billy has been in the woods for a long time. He started talking to Billy and Billy told him that the deer was a medicine deer. Billy also told him he needs to listen to the deer, to know what to do.…
Conflict The problem is that Brian didn't fit in at school. He gets into a fight with this boy. He beat the boy so badly the police came. The cops didn't listen to him and he got in trouble. He decides to go back to the wild to get out of the situation. Brian felt different from everybody and he didn't care about teenage Social life.