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Brian's Return

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Serithian


  • Brian's return is a sequel to Hatchet set 2 years later.
  • In Hatchet Brian enters the wilderness a city boy and in his struggles to survive learns about the wilderness.
  • As he learns about the wilderness Brian learns to love it.
  • In Brian's Return Brian is living at home but doesn't fit in. His time in the wilderness has changed him.
  • He decides to return to the wilderness and the life he has grown to miss.
Photo by shutterhacks


  • It takes place at Brian's mothers house in New York and in the Canadian Wilderness.
  • It's time period is the 1990's.
  • The time period and location impacts the story by:
  • Allowing him to fly to the wilderness and bring some modern equipment with him to help him survive.
  • The entire story is based around the location and his need to leave the city and return to the wilderness.
Photo by Giorgio___


  • Brian is the main character and lives in New York.
  • Brian has returned home after surviving in the wilderness but isn't fitting in.
  • After spending many hours speaking with Caleb, Brian realizes that he can only be happy if he returns to the wilderness. .........
  • Brian loves the wilderness and all of the animals and things associated with it.
  • When Brian returns to the wilderness he faces many challenges but he grows more at peace with himself.


  • After surviving the wilderness Brian returns to his home in New York.
  • Brian can't relate to his friends and the things they do and care about.
  • Brian doesn't relate to going to the mall or playing video games.
  • Brian realizes that his issue is modern society and that he can only be happy if he returns to the wilderness.
Photo by Scott*


  • Caleb is a blind, seven foot tall retired policeman who counsels boys.
  • After speaking with Brian about his fight, he realizes that Brian was simply protecting himself.
  • Brian visits with Caleb regularly to describe his experiences in the wilderness to him.
  • Through their time together Caleb learns to see the wilderness through Brian's eyes.
  • Brian figures out that he needs to return to the wilderness through his discussions with Caleb.
Photo by Zach Dischner


  • Brian lives with his mom in New York.
  • She developed a fear of the bush when Brian disappeared.
  • She was afraid to let him go back but with Caleb's help let's him return.
  • While she stills remembers Brian as a small boy she now realizes that he has grown.


  • Susan is a local girl at school who likes Brian.
  • She invited him to go to Mackey's for pizza.
  • She had refused to date Carl once.
  • She gets knocked down and twists her knee when Carl attacks Brian.
Photo by Philerooski


  • Carl is a football player who is large, and is nicknamed the Hulk.
  • Carl likes Susan but she doesn't like him.
  • Carl is jealous of Brian because of his celebrity and because Susan likes him.
  • Carl thinks Brian said something bad about him and attacks him at Mackey's .
  • Brian defends himself and sends Carl to the hospital.
Photo by Ray Bouknight

Character: Haley

  • Haley is a small thin boy who tagged along with Susan and Brian at Mackey's.
  • When Carl tried to attack Brian he actually hit Haley with the door and knocked him into Susan.
  • The door hit Haley in the nose and blood poured out.
Photo by saaby


  • The policeman showed up after the fight.
  • They took Brian home to speak to his mother.
  • They suggested that Brian get counseling and gave Brian's mom Caleb's number.
Photo by conner395


  • The pilot flew Brian out to the wilderness to meet the Smallhorns.
  • He was the same pilot who rescued Brian from the wilderness two years earlier.
  • He described to Brian where the Smallhorns camp was.
  • He dropped Brian off a 100 miles away from their camp.
Photo by Fly For Fun


  • The fishermen had lived the wilderness all their lives working for lumber companies.
  • Now city dwellers, they go fishing every year for Muskie but is really a excuse to return to the wilderness.
  • They knew who Brian was from television.
  • They recognized that he felt the same way about the wilderness as they did.
Photo by EricMagnuson


  • Brian meets him while on the way to meet the Smallhorns.
  • His medicine is a crow.
  • He hunts the old way like Brian with a bow.
  • He has lived in the wilderness for many many years.
  • He is around 50 years old and Brian later realizes that it is him in the future.


  • They are a family that Brian first meets in Hatchet.
  • Brian goes to the wilderness to find them and visit with them.
  • They live in the wilderness year round.
  • Their summer fishing camp is located in the William lake area.
Photo by blmiers2


  • After his time in the wilderness Brian has trouble adjusting to society and it causes him to be unhappy.
  • As time passes Brian finds himself fitting in less and less and has no interest in the things his friends enjoy.
  • Through his discussions with Caleb he comes to realize that he is just happier in the wilderness.
  • Brian decides to confront this conflict by returning to the wilderness.
  • This conflict is external and is person against self.
Photo by guyofsmiles


  • Brian gets in a fight with a football player named Carl at a pizza place.
  • They get in a fight because of Carl's jealousy of Brian's celebrity.
  • Brian reacted by hitting Carl all over until he had to go to the hospital.
  • The police take Brian home and suggest that he get counseling.
  • This conflict is external and it is Person Against Person.
Photo by 〄 Reece M


  • A bear is pushing Brian to a bank.
  • The bear kept pushing Brian into a smaller area to trap him.
  • The bear keeps teasing Brian by going back and forth lunging every once and a while.
  • Brian yells "No, Not me!" And the bear watches Brian then leaves him.
  • This conflict is external and it's type is Person Against Nature.
Photo by blmiers2


  • A storm hits in the middle of the night and it caused Brian's tent to collapse around him.
  • The wind rolled him and the tent five feet down the embankment to the lakeshore.
  • An arrow stuck him in the leg and the canoe hit him in the head.
  • The conflict is external and Person Against Nature.
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Brian is hungry and has just been eating fish and has an opportunity to shoot a deer for food.
  • He chooses not to because he can't store the meat and doesn't want to waste it.
  • He comes to realize that the deer is part of the wilderness and he has too much respect for the wilderness.
  • The conflict is inner and Person Against Self.
Photo by Chalkie_CC


  • Brian is 16 years old and lives with his mother in New York.
  • It has been two years since he was rescued from the wilderness.
  • He has had a tough time fitting in and misses the wilderness.
Photo by Salmando


  • Brian gets into a fight with Carl.
  • He meets Caleb and they discuss his time in the wilderness.
  • He returns to the wilderness.
  • A deer jumps into his canoe, a storm ravages his tent and he meets Billy.
Photo by marfis75


  • Brian comes face to face with a bear.
  • The bear backs him down and Brian gets his bow an arrow out.
  • After a stare down the bear leaves and Brian comments "It's good... my medicine is strong".
Photo by blmiers2


  • Brian slept under his canoe, and paddled for 10 hours the next day.
  • While reading Romeo and Juliet on the lakeshore, two otters swam up.
  • That night he had a dream and Billy was in it, and when he woke up he realized that Billy was him in the future. .
Photo by Foto Pau


  • Brian began paddling towards the Smallhorns.
  • An hour into the trip he realized that was not where he was headed.
  • He was now a man of the wilderness and his visit with them would have to wait for another day.
Photo by HckySo