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Bridget Bennett

Published on Jun 20, 2016

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Bridget Bennett

I love to be outside (on the lake!), Gardening, Cooking and spending time with my Family!

Within Forest Hills Public School District, I teach fourth grade at Ada Elementary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I teach all subjects and I am also the EL teacher for my grade level. I used to teach fifth grade in inner city Chicago! This is where I learned the most.

ITRT (interdisciplinary Technology Resource Teacher)
There is one representative for each school within my district (20 schools). My role is to help teachers with technology implementation. I teach my staff how to integrate technology - and even had my students join me by being "Tech Buddies" to other students!

Photo by Randi Deuro

Who am I as a learner?

  • I am a "hands on" learner. I have participated in several learning labs throughout my teaching career, and have thoroughly enjoyed the collaboration and new learning. Being able to observe other teachers, and have others observe me has allowed me to appreciate the reflective aspect of what we do everyday.
  • I am also a very visual learning - I need to write things down especially with colorful pens (or fun fonts/colors digitally!)

I am a MSU undergraduate

I am looking forward to learning more about technology integration :)