- Built in 1937
- Constructed with electrified barbed wire fence and watchtowers.
- Buchenwald administraed between 80-140 sub camps across germamy.
- The prisoners were used in many medical experiments for nazi soldiers.
- Most prisoners were politicians.
- The SS imprisoned 250,000 people and killed 56,000.
- 11,000 of them were jews.
- 8,000 soviet POW's were shot dead in a killing facility.
- One experiment they do is, put a prisoner in a low pressure chamber to find the safest height
- a crew of a damaged aircraft can jump.
- Second, they tested treatment for illness and injuries that german soliders face in battle.
- Isle koch sep, 22, 1906 - sep,1, 1967 "The Beast of Buchenwald," she would take the dead skin of prisoners
- To make Lamp Shades. She also took people with tatoos and cut out the tattoo.
- Karl otto koch born august 2, 1897- april 5, 1945. Karl was in command of the buchenwald concetration camp
- Buchenwald was liberated in April 1945 by the americans.
- Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "Nothing has ever shocked meas much as that sight."
- Expecting liberation the prisoners stormed the camp and took control of the watch towers.
Challenge question
What makes Buchenwald So different than all of the other concentration camps?
Buchenwald was different because they conducted terrible medical experiments and had the two most notorious people Isle and Karl otto Koch the owner of Buchenwald.
- I chose buchenwald because i thought it was one of the more interesting concentration camps.
- I learned that they had one terrible person isle Koch and conducted terrible medical experiments
"Koch, Ilse (1906-1967)." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Junior Reference Collection. Gale. Minnetonka Schools - Teachers. 15 Mar. 2015 .
"Nazi Medical Experiments." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
"The Beasts of Buchenwald." Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Holocaust." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2015.