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Credibility is the anchor of personal branding and reputation management. To get your target audience to see you as relatable, influential and relevant, they must view you as credible.

In this deck, I'll show you the formula for credibility. It's not easy... but the steps are simple!


Building Credibility

Published on Dec 29, 2015

Personal branding and reputation management are anchored in credibility. In this brief presentation, I outline the key formula to build credibility and get credit for your brand and actions.

To learn more about personal branding or building a credible reputation, check out my website: LIDA360.com


Building Credibility

Lida Citroën, LIDA360
Credibility is the anchor of personal branding and reputation management. To get your target audience to see you as relatable, influential and relevant, they must view you as credible.

In this deck, I'll show you the formula for credibility. It's not easy... but the steps are simple!

Photo by JonoMueller

the formula for credibility:

Values + Action = Credibility
There's only one formula to build credibility. You must articulate your values AND then act in accordance with those values. No shortcuts.
Photo by Norma Desmond

Start with your values

  • What do you believe in?
  • What is core to your moral DNA?
  • Get past the obvious choices (i.e. "trust", "hard work", "honesty")
  • Get really real!
  • Your values are YOUR values
Your values are personal to you. They are the belief system off which your life, behavior, relationships and reputation are formed.

Take a deep look inside to understand exactly what drives you, motivates and grounds you. These are your values.

look at how you live

  • Actions must support values
  • Are you living what you believe and value?
  • How do your actions support your values?
  • Do you "walk the talk?"
Next, look at how you live and act. Do you reinforce your values in your behavior? If you value generosity, for instance, how do you show that? Are you the person who says "yes" more than you turn away opportunities?

Your actions must, must, must support your values in order to build credibility.
Photo by keepitsurreal

To be credible

you MUST live your values
If you are not living and behaving consistent with your values, something needs to change. You can't build credibility without values and actions being in sync.
Photo by mskogly

To get credit

you MUST tie your actions TO your values
On the other hand, if you are doing good things and acting consistent with your values, but you aren't telling people "why" (values) then you don't get credit.

I'm not advocating arrogance but you must inform your audiences that your actions are tied to a belief system, not random.

Your personal brand is credible

when your actions are tied to your values -- your audience must see this!
Personal branding must be credible to be sustainable and scalable.

Look at your values. Examine how you make choices and live your life.

Then, align them and promote them to the target audiences who must find you relevant and compelling.



Personal branding | reputation management