LUHS deals with bullying in steps. First a warning, then the parents are contacted, a lunch detention, after school detention, in school suspension, out of school suspension, and finally expulsion.
There are over 3.2 million students are bullied each year.
There are thousands of kids that are so scared of being bullied that they stay home.
160,000 kids stay home every day because of bullying.
Kids and teens can be bullied because of their weight, beauty and color.
1 in 10 students drop out because of bullying.
Cyberbullying is another way people bully others. They don’t have to show their face so the victims can’t identify them.
Kids with disabilities are often bullied because they’re different. They sometimes speak different, learn different and look different.
There are over 14% of high schoolers who have considered suicide.
Bullied girls that are 10 to 14 have a higher risk of suicide.