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Bullying through popular social media

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Bullying through popular social media

Angie Ayala

Many people bully others over social media.

They do this because they feel more secure and anonymous behind a screen.

The thought that runs through their minds is,

so the effects are smaller, right?"

"I'm not sending the message directly to her,


If she saw this comment, this could lead to very bad things.

So the issue is,

And of course, with now with over 200 million people on Instagram, it is very likely she will have seen it.
Photo by marcp_dmoz

why do people do this to one another?

why do people do this to one another?
Photo by zilverbat.

watch this to see some shocking facts.

Photo by Philerooski

Problems can't solve themselves.

We all have to make a conscious effort to stop cyber bullying, but that isn't going to happen.

That's why the question isn't to rid the world of it,

Photo by Leo Reynolds

it's to simply limit it.

Photo by .aditya.

By working together,

we can do this.


we can start at the root of the problem.
Photo by Aaron Escobar

According to expandedramblings.com,

70% of instagram users log in daily.

that's about 140 million daily users.

Out of Instagrams growing population,
Photo by mrlins

And more importantly,

how can we propose a solution

to limit the amount of bullying that happens over social media?
Photo by MrSchuReads

But it's not just Instagram where this is happening.

Sites like Twitter and Facebook are

Photo by ianmunroe

over 645 million users.

And Twitter destroys Instagram with it's current stat of
Photo by Sam Cockman

And according to statisticbrain.com,

there are on average,
Photo by D.H. Parks

58 million tweets a day.

Photo by id-iom

There is plenty of room for a couple of tweets

to be mean and nasty about someone else.
Photo by nist6ss

And if you thought that Instagram and Twitter had a large population of people,

check out Facebook.

1,300,000,000 people.

Facebook has over

This is more than Instagram and twitter combined.

Photo by Tom Olliver

So, with this growing problem of cyber bullying,

how can we limit it?
Photo by marsmet526

Finding a solution

won't be easy.

We need to get the big picture

  • Who is affected by cyber bullying?
  • Why does this happen?
  • When does this happen?
  • What factors the major reaction to this problem?

In order to help this problem,

parents can also step in.
Photo by matheuslotero

Monitoring a child's social media outlet provides a place to know what's happening.

And if something is happening...

Someone can help.

Photo by zilverbat.

schools can also provide

extra time to go over the harm of cyber bullying.
Photo by AdamKR

in order to stop this,

we need to know who is affected.
Photo by monkeyc.net


These facts are
Photo by kevin dooley

Last year, nine teen suicides were linked to bullying on Ask.fm, a website that lets people ask questions and leave comments anonymously. -New York Times

Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online,

and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.

have experienced cyberthreats online.

More than 1 in 3 young people

Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens

have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.
Photo by camknows

Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.

So, keeping these facts in mind, what can we do to reduce this?

Photo by vgm8383

a few good ideas are-

  • School Monitors
  • Internet Monitors
  • Help For Bystanders

School monitors.

They can help.
Photo by kathpom

If someone can monitor their friends' Instagram page, we could catch cyber bullying through this.

Internet monitors

Have an adult do this.
Photo by Frenkieb

Adults could monitor pages and blogs. This could inform a parent when their child is being cyber bullied.

Help for bystanders

Photo by Ralph Doria

If a bystander doesn't speak up, the problem goes on.

Photo by mctrent

so many cases of bullying would be reported and stopped.

If we get these bystanders to speak,
Photo by dying regime

if we speak up,

we can put an limit on this.



Why not start