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how to take care of a


table of contense

  • a place to sleep
  • a litter box
  • a play pen
  • a water and food bowl
  • toys
  • a cage for car drives
  • a walk
  • fun facts
  • food

a place to sleep

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at night they can sleep inside or outside

a litter box


  • first add news paper on the bottum
  • then add litter


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litter boxes

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this litter box rakes it self

so it makes the litter go on the bottum

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this litter box dous'nt smell

so you take of top every 2 days of week to clean

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how to clean litter box

  • first rake every day and it will catch the poop so throw that away
  • then after a couple of days empty the litter box
  • then clean litter box with white viniger.


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if the bunny did a axadent on the carpet you can put white vinerger in a spray bottle and spray it and plot it down and it will go away right away.

a play pen

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water and food bowl

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A cage for car drives

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A walk

you can walk your bunny on a leash

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Fun facts

  • Happy rabbits practice a cute behavior known as a “binky:” they jump up in the air and twist and spin around! A baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe, and a male is a buck. A group of rabbits is called a herd. Rabbits are herbivores, eating a diet entirely of grasses and other plants. licking means they lobe you and trust you. Rabbits live 7-10 years old. They sleep 8.4 hours a day. Rabbits mostly sleep during the day. They sleep with there eyes open.


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baby rabbits cant eat

Lettice and cabbage

A bunny eats

4 times a day


1/4 a cup of pellets pdf 6lbs. 2 cups per 6 pounds of body wait.

The end