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Burris Ewell, renae p.5

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Forgotten Mind of

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Burris Ewell, what was his reaction to seeing his beat up bloody sister?

Photo by ashleywilson2


Photo by Kelly Short6

"Burris seemed to be afraid of a child half his size" (26).
Now imagine being face with his drunk and abusive father.

Photo by Kelly Short6

Burris: What am I goin' do? Surely I ain't old enough to be protectin' mayella. Paw'll kill me.

Photo by Mike Sinko


"The boy's condescension flashed to anger" (25).

Photo by theirhistory

Burris: No I gots to! Ma ain't here, if I don't help ain't no one else goin' to. No one's gonna lay a hand on Mayella.

Photo by Mike Sinko


"[Burris] was the filthiest human [scout] had ever seen " (26).

Photo by Kelly Short6

"Ain't got no mother... And their paw's right contentious" (25).

Burris: Paw don't take o' me. Mayella's the only one who noticed me even. Maybe if I jus' stay back I won't get into trouble.

Photo by Mike Sinko

Burris learn from this even though he was terrified that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."