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The case of Bush v Gore occurred in 2000, at the time of the Presidential Election.
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The case of Bush v Gore occurred in 2000, at the time of the Presidential Election.


  • 537 votes separated Bush and Gore
George W. Bush was the former governer of Texas and Vice President Al Gore both needed to win Florida to claim the presidency. The polls closed with just 537 votes separating them.

Under Florida law this meant a machine recount was needed.

Due to highly-publicized controversy over whether the design of the ballots confused voters or whether the machines would miscount incorrectly completed ballots, the Florida Supreme Court ordered manual recounts in several counties
Photo by Steve Rhodes

The Verdict

  • Bush won -- 14th amendment violated
But, the U.S. Supreme Court immediately ordered these recounts to stop the following day, declaring that counting certain ballots by different methods than others violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourth Amendment.

The Court found that the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court was invalid, and that no alternative recount could be performed within the state's legal time limit for getting the results in.
Photo by casajump

Untitled Slide

On 12 December 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that the original Florida results would stand.
Photo by N0fX