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This presentation gives new agents an overview of open house: benefits of doing them, process for choosing and preparing for them, working the open house, and follow-up strategies.
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Business Basics: Open House

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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This presentation gives new agents an overview of open house: benefits of doing them, process for choosing and preparing for them, working the open house, and follow-up strategies.
Photo by givikat

Benefits, or:
Why hold an open house?

Promote the availability of the property
Promote yourself
Meet potential clients

Plan and Prepare:
Make a Good Selection

Do your research! Considerations:
First time buyer property (popular price range)
Easy to access
Curb appeal
New to the market
Photo by See El Photo

Plan and Prepare:
Get Ready

Research the market area (tour competing listings)
Prepare materials (fliers, registration, etc.)
Pack your open house box
Photo by dolescum

Plan and Prepare:

10-10-20 promotion
Past open house visitors
Promote to SOI

Open House Day

Check local regulations regarding sign placement (location and timing), place signs accordingly.
Use plenty of directional signs.
Arrive early to set up.
Park on the street.

Safety at the Open House

Take a buddy to open house.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Stay on the main level.
Have an escape route, if needed.
Carry your phone (women--leave your purse in the trunk.
If you take down license plate numbers, do so for all cars, not just the ones you think are suspicious.

At the Open House

Set up information.
Open window treatments, turn on lights.
Tidy up, if necessary.
Photo by xsix

At the Open House

Greet people, shake hands.
Lead them to the registration and ask them to sign in.
Invite them to look around.
Let them know where you'll be if they have questions.
Ask qualifying questions:
How long have you been looking?
When do you want/need to move?
If you found a house today, what would you do?

Educate Buyers

What are the benefits of working with a Realtor?
What can you do for them that they can't do on their own?
Photo by MidCentArc

Demonstrate Value

What you can offer:
Information about all properties on the market through Curbside.
Custom search results updated as frequently as they choose.
Access to market research tools through you.

Agency Review

Whom do you represent if you're holding a house open for another HER agent (not your team leader)?
Whom do you represent if you're holding your listing open?
Whom do you represent if it's not your listing and another HER agent's buyer client visits the open house?
What is HER's role I these scenarios?

Follow Up

Possible follow-up tools:
Hand-written note
Phone call
Action Plan
Any other tool! Follow-up is very important! (Think customer service.)

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
Henry David Thoreau