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Calling all Endangered Species!

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Trichechus manatus, or the West Indian Manatee, also called the Sea Cow, Florida Manatee, or American Manatee is native to the Caribbean Sea, South America, and the Southeastern U.S. This large mammal lives in shallow coastal areas such as estuaries, coves and bays because this is where their main food source, aquatic vegetation, remains abundant and relatively undisturbed. Currently there are only about 2,500 West Indian Manatees left in the wild.

The main cause of their declining population is the planned or accidental entanglement of these large animals in fisherman's nets because once they are caught they cannot break free. Also, their habitat is continually being destroyed for housing or residential development and agricultural purposes. A final cause for the West Indian Manatee's endangerment in population size is that the sea grasses they depend on for food have been affected by pollution.

Atelopus varius, or the atelopus frog, also called the painted frog, or clown frog, is native to Costa Rica and Panama. This amphibian lives in lowland rainforests where there are rocky, fast flowing streams and hilly areas. Their population is declining due to chyteid fungi that they have contracted which has majorly reduced the population size. Another reason for their endangerment comes as a result of habitat destruction and predation upon them by introduced trout.

Rafflesia magnifica, or the rafflesia flower, is the largest flower in the world, recorded at its largest to be three feet and six inches in diameter and weighing twenty-four pounds. This magnificent flower is native to the Philippines, and it occurs in evergreen rain forests. Although beautiful, this flower smells of rotting meat or dung, which attracts flies to it's rancid smell. Major threats to this flower include the construction of a notational highway through the forest where these flowers grow, which has led to a disturbance in their growth and the threat of being visitor attractions. Also, pasts of the forest where they grow are being converted into banana plantations.