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Canada Eskimos

Published on Apr 10, 2016

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Photo by 96dpi


The Inuit, or Eskimos of Canada, make and build there own homes and make a living on their own in the Arctic and sub-arctic regions in Siberia and North America. They are strong hunters, who are capable of staying alive in the coldest of temperatures. The Inuit are known as the most resourceful hunters, as the name "Inuit" means "real people".

The Inuit language is divided into two major groups: Inupik and Yupik. Inupik language spreads from Greenland to western Alaska. Yupik language spreads from southern Alaska to Siberia.

Photo by gordon_landon

The Inuit usually live along the flat northeastern sea coasts of U.S., Canada, and Greenland. About 46,000 people live in Greenland. About 25,000 people in Canada. Most of the land they live on is flat and barren. And others live closer to the seas for hunting of seals, walrus, and whales.

Christianity is very strong for the Inuit, but many have different beliefs and has been changed a lot of over the years. But they all believe in peace with the souls of hunted animals.

Photo by kevin dooley

Social problems!

The Inuit have had problems such as employment or underemployment, alcoholism, drug abuse, and a high suicide rate.


Most children snowmobile or ski to and from school. They are taught standard subjects such as math, history, spelling, and reading. And now starting to learn more about traditions and culture in school.


The Inuit diet includes seal, whale, caribou, walrus, polar bear, arctic hare, fish, birds, and berries. They have almost no vegetables to eat and they have other foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, even though it's high in tooth decay and causes medical problems.

Photo by angeloangelo


The Inuit clothing is one of the major things that keeps them alive during harsh weather. They make all of there clothing out of various animal skins that they hunt. And today most Inuit people are more modern with jeans and brightly colored sportswear.

Housing conditions

They traditionally live in stone houses. But, along the shore of Siberia there are villages made up of houses made of driftwood and earth, this is only during the summer. During the winter, they live in igloos. Most of there houses are single story and very small.

Photo by Keltose


Today the Inuit live and settle in there villages and find jobs in there village. Major employments include: government, the oil and gas industry, and arts and crafts industry. And in addition, they still hunt and fish at a certain level for money or for family food.


  • They have the christian holidays
  • A feast is held for when a boy kills his first animal
  • A woman is married once she hits puberty
  • They believe afterlife is in the sea or sky
  • Having a large family is desirable
Photo by born1945


  • A woman is in charge of taking care of the men.
  • They enjoy sports like: weightlifting, wrestling, football, and ice hockey.
  • They enjoy gatherings involving dancing and music
  • They enjoy string games, board games, and dice games
  • They watch television and try to get more involved in video games


Photo by blmiers2