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Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Presentation by:KEYUR
Photo by abdallahh

Historical Examples Of Individual Rights Getting Abused

  • The Indian Act
  • Canadian Women And Right To Vote
  • War Measures Act
Photo by no3rdw

Rights And Freedoms

  • Fundamental Freedoms
  • Legal Rights
  • Equality Rights
  • Damocratic Rights
  • Mobility Rights

Responsibilities of rights and freedoms

  • Fundamental -to respect others rights, to make sure its peacefull
  • Damocrtic-be informed and actully vote, gov members should meet once a year
  • Legal-Know and Obey the law,Go for Jury duty If asked,Don't judge people.
  • Equality-Ensure others are treated equally,No making judgements.
  • Mobility-Do not cause trouble in other country,If you can work Work!

How charter protect us in workplace

Age-They cant discriminate you because you are old or young for the job unless it says on the application.

How charter protect us in work place

Gender-Just because you are a girl or other way around they cant pay you less than others or cant give less benifits then others

How charter protect us in work place

Race- No matter what skin colour you are they have to give you job.

How does the charter impact our individual rights and governance in canada?

Charters affects our individual rights because we have different right, The rights there are only for canadian citizens and The rights there are for all. We all have different religion,beliefs,opinions,and thoughts.We all have different abilities and disabilities.Thats why we have different rights and thats why it affects every individual.

How effectively does CCRAF protect our individual right?

CCRAF protect our individual right by having different kinds of rights and freedoms.Ex If say A girl who works at sobeys and she gets paid less then the other boys who works there then she can go to the human rights society and ask for help or can take it to the court.