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Asset Funding Corporation
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Cancer Fighting Foods

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Here are a few natural foods that can help fight cancer.


fight cancer

with these natural foods
Asset Funding Corporation
Photo by pfala


Photo by KJGarbutt

Garlic contains tryptophan, selenium and certain sulfur-based active agents that will fight cancer cells.

Photo by olfiika


Photo by mr.beaver

Dark, leafy greens are ideal if you want to eliminate toxins. Broccoli contains sulphurophane, which helps fight against cancerous stomach tumors.

Photo by mr.beaver

Brazilian Nuts

Photo by CIFOR

Brazilian nuts contain selenium, which helps fight cancer cells. You should benefit from just one handful a day!


Photo by angela7dreams

Carrots contain beta-carotine, a cancer carotenoid, as well as promote a healthy body in general.


Photo by chrismar

Tomatoes contain lycopene, an active cancer fighting ingredient, especially against colon, lung, cervix, and breast cancer.

Photo by chrismar

Dealing with cancer can affect you mentally, physically, and financially.

Photo by Will Montague